Sunday, November 25, 2018

Discovering Commercial Real Estate (Course)

This course offers a broad overview of the basics of commercial real estate and how it differs from residential real estate. Students will be able to distinguish and understand the broker's role and discover the different types of commercial properties, terms, valuation methods, marketing and resources for further education.
While it will not equip an agent with the needed tools to practice commercial real estate, it will explain the business and introduce many of the resources needed to pursue a commercial transaction or a career in commercial real estate.
This is an ideal introductory course for those who are newly licensed and/or residential agents who want to learn more about commercial real estate.
What You Will Learn in the Discovering Commercial Real Estate Course
  • The duties of professionals who assist in commercial transactions
  • The key differences between commercial and residential real estate
  • Types of commercial real estate (Office, Retail, Industrial and Land)
  • Types of commercial transactions
  • Commercial contracts
  • Resources that NAR's Commercial Department and its affiliates provide
For more information, download the DCRE Fact Sheet. (PDF: 90KB)

NAR Designations and Certifications

For more info CLICK HERE 

As we start to enter a shifting market, here are some certifications you may want to looking into obtaining as a REALTOR®...

Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource® / SFR®

The SFR® certification  teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers.
Presented by the National Association of REALTORS®
Contact us at sends e-mail) or 877-510-7855.

Military Relocation Professional / MRP

NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support.
Presented by REBAC (Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council)
Contact us at sends e-mail) or 888-648-8321.

Seller Representative Specialist / SRS

The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria.
Visit is external) or contact SRS at sends e-mail) or 800-621-8738.

Accredited Buyer's Representative / ABR®

The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients at every stage of the home buying process.

10 Ways to take territory in the 4th quarter

Being a top real estate agent means being purposeful and strategic about your activities. And, the right activities at the right time will yield the right results. So how do you know what activities to do and, more importantly, when?

Mega agents and real estate leaders agree that the fourth quarter represents the best opportunity to take territory and create unprecedented opportunities for your business. It’s when traditional real estate slows down, and when you can speed up. This allows you to create momentum and seize market share.

We’ve compiled a list of key activities, as well as advice from top agents and industry leaders to set your business apart and up for success right when it matters most – the fourth quarter.

  1. Set a big goal. Resetting your goals in the Career Growth Initiative Calculatoris the first step to achieving your best fourth quarter yet. The CGI Calculator breaks down your goal into the specific actions (listing appointments) needed to take more listings and gain market share. In The ONE Thing, Gary Keller and Jay Papasan write, “Visualizing the process – breaking a big goal down into the steps needed to achieve it – helps engage the strategic thinking you need to plan for and achieve extraordinary results.” Need some inspiration? Watch as Jay Papasan shares the powerful message of  The ONE Thing at TedX. 
  1. Track your numbers. After resetting your goals, leverage the straightforward tracking tools of the CGI to monitor your activities and the results of those activities, every day. Tyson Compton credits the CGI for giving him more time with his family and money in his pocket. After employing the CGI calculator and Pipeline Tool, he was able to successfully shift his lead generation strategy to focusing on his sphere of influence and triple his income.  
  1. Don’t let complacency take hold. In the months preceding the fourth quarter, business tends to be abundant, which can lead to complacency when it comes to lead generation. As all successful real estate agents know, lead generation is the fuel for your business. So, it’s important to ramp up now. According to Jeff Quintin, there are five steps to becoming a massive lead generator. Leverage his advice and don’t let your current success limit your future success.
  1. Take action – right now. What you do today shows up 90 days out. That means that the leads you generate right now will determine how successful your fourth quarter is. To help you refocus, we've launched the Q4 Kickoff so you can have your best quarter yet! Make plans to attend our inspiration and education events.  You can also re-review our Lead Gen for Listings toolkits. Each aims to help you gain more listings through topic-based learning and activities. From open houses to past clients, this week-by-week initiative provides everything you need to land more listings.
  1. Challenge perceived limitations. According to Mega Agent Noah Ostroff, “Our lives and our careers are determined by our acceptance or rejection of our perceived limitations.” That includes conceding to a slowdown in business in the fourth quarter.
  1. Create an abundant mindset. There’s a BOLD law that states, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Alignment in both action and mindset is what creates success, and when you register for BOLD, you are setting your mind for a phenomenal fourth quarter. For agent, Jesse Youmans, BOLD helped him shake his negative mindset to speak life into his situation and has him on track to quadrupling his production by the end of the year. 
  1. Tap into your sphere. New agent Tasha Miller harnessed the power of her sphere by organizing her database and getting systematic about who to reach out to. She explained, “When I became a real estate agent, I assembled all of these old contacts into one big database (spreadsheet) and added columns labeled Met, Unmet, Contractor and the level of support I thought they'd be to my business: A, B or C. Each group received a different set of touches.”
  1. Learn from others. The beginning pages of The Millionaire Real Estate Agentfeatures the following quote by Isaac Newton: “If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” Every Monday at 1 p.m. (CT), you have the opportunity to learn from those that have been there and done that. Ask your market center leadership about the weekly CGI call and how you can tune in.
  1. Hold yourself accountable. Finding an accountability partner – whether that is your team leader, a coach, or a friend or family member – can often be the difference maker when setting out to achieve a goal. Make a point to share your goals for the fourth quarter with a trusted accountability partner so that you have someone else invested in your efforts. Agents and teammates Joseph Singsheim and Jeff Nevin have created a fantastic accountability system including a weekly meeting and mid-month checkup. 
  1. Get to Mega Camp. If you’re looking to give a powerful shot of adrenaline to your business to help you refocus and surge ahead in the fourth quarter, Mega Camp is the answer. Write a new story for your business this fourth quarter – register for Mega Camp in Austin, Texas, on August 14-17, and learn even more ways to take territory.

Friday, November 9, 2018

EBL Super Saturday Saturday Training webinar 11/10

EBL Super Saturday Event!
Learn How To Amplify Your Real Estate Business!
Presented by CAPPERS, Don & LaToya Latimore

If you want to make a 6-Figure Income in real estate, you need 
Leads, Listings, & Leverage! 

No Gimmicks! No Fluff...
You'll Learn Real Strategies & Tactical Methods THAT WORK!!

Innovative Strategies for Marketing, Team Building & Business Expansion!


When: Saturday November 10, 2018
Time: 9am-12pm (EST)
To attend CLICK  Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Meeting ID153-604-197

Please join my meeting from Google Chrome on your computer. 

Get Chrome:

Note: This training is for Elite Business League members and by invitation only for  people that want to join Keller Williams on The Elite Business League. 


You don’t want to miss this!